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Who We Are

We are Christians

Before anything else, the family of West Groton Bible Church is an assembly of Christians. Our local church claims the person and work of Christ as our righteousness and standing in this world.


Outside of the church walls, we are teachers, laborers, retirees, employers, and employees. Some may be wealthy in the eyes of others while some are poor.


Outside of the church, we have dramatic differences, but inside the church, we are all Christians. Since being a Christian is of utmost importance to our church, we want to share with you how you can become a Christian as well. 

Christians by Grace

No one earns the title Christian. No one becomes a Christian because he or she is more moral than the average American. We don't claim to be better people than those in any other gathering in Groton. Our title, Christian, comes by way of a gift and not through our own merit or accomplishments. Any person from any language group, race, or location becomes a Christian only through the grace of Jesus Christ.


The Apostle Paul wrote again and again that anyone can become a Christian through grace (Ephesians 1:7-8). Initially, Paul persecuted and hated Christians, but he was transformed into a Christian by the grace (gift) of Jesus Christ. We are all saved by grace. This grace is a free gift that was given to all of God's Church through the death and resurrection of Jesus. While we claim the title Christian at West Groton Bible Church, we will not use this title to look down on or judge anyone else made in the image of our God. Christians aren't superior. We are just sinners in need of a gift.

How Do I Become A Christian By Grace ?

So how can you receive the gift, or the grace, of Jesus Christ? We received God's gift through faith or through belief in the work of Jesus Christ. Ephesians 2:8-9 For by grace you have been saved through faith; and that not of yourselves, it is the gift of God; not as a result of works, so that no one may boast.


Since no one can earn the title Christian through their own works, we all need someone else to earn this title for us. Jesus Christ earned our place in God's family by means of His perfect life, atoning death, and powerful resurrection. Jesus came to fulfill the Law for you (Matt. 5:17). He came to be your righteousness. He came to bear your sins on the cross in His death (Eph. 2:14-16; Col. 1:20-22). His resurrection empowered us to walk in the newness of eternal life (Romans 6:4-10). You can experience the life of Jesus by means of a free gift through faith in the work of Jesus Christ.


No one at our church is better than another. We are all sinners, fallen individuals, who were given the free gift of salvation through the gift of Jesus Christ. Express your faith in Jesus through prayer, call on His name, and live in the wonder of new life with Him.

Christians by Repentance

Jesus' ministry struck His world like lightning. No one saw Him coming, and the world was never the same when He left. We so often point to Jesus' teaching on love and compassion as the heart of His ministry. Jesus loved. He showed compassion as no one else ever had in healing the sick and reaching out to the poor and the social outcasts, but love was not Jesus' primary message in this world. Jesus came preaching repentance.


Matthew 4:17 - From that time Jesus began to preach and say, "Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand."


Jesus taught that every single person needed to turn away from his or her sins and turn toward the righteousness and holiness of God. Jesus was so serious about repentance and turning away from sins that He died on the cross to empower our repentance and wash away those sins that His followers left behind. We are Christians by grace through faith. No one earns salvation, but this does not mean that we do not work to follow Christ and turn from our sins.


Our local church claims the person and work of Christ as our righteousness and standing in this world.


West Groton Bible Church


854 Cobb Street 

Groton, New York 13073

Church Phone: (607) 898-3916

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